This week basically revolved around them, making sure that they were ready to go for their baptisms. We got to see Daiana's first grade finishing program and it was the cutest thing I had seen- it reminded me why I wanted to go into teaching. She represented the letter "Ă" and each student represented one of the alphabet letters. As they came forward, they each had memorized a poem, with every word beginning with their letter! SOOOOO ADORABLE! We love them so much.
Transfer Boards came out an I will be serving another transfer with Sora Barrera here in Chișinău which means I get to "kill her"- meaning I am her last companion before she goes home!!!!!!!!! It will be weird because we are in the same MTC group but since I'm extending, I really won't be going home with her! But it is going to be awesome and we are SO EXCITED!
I am just so truly happy here. It's weird to think that I am starting my LAST FULL TRANSFER- yup #12 and I wonder where all of the time has gone- truly it's like it is all a dream. I have no regrets and I just want to make these last 10 weeks incredible.
LOVING the work, LOVING the people and LOVING the Lord,
:) Sora Lee
President Covali, who baptized Rafaela, and Elder Soelberg who baptized Zina with some branch members!
We love HUGS! Ca un urs mare!!!!!!!!!!
Zina and her girls, Daiana and Rafaela
At Daiana's recital!
Such a cute program!

Her and her little letter!
Just drying my panties
The view from our study room
The Gara (train station) is pretty
Bye Sora Elliot! And yes, we are the only four sisters in this country!
Most of us Moldova missionaries at the gara
Goodbye elders!!!!!!! Enjoy America!!!!!!